2025 NSTCC Sponsorship
The 8th Annual Natural State Tree Climbing Championship will be held at Rotary Park, 3173 S 48th St., Springdale, Arkansas on May 2 – 4, 2025. This exciting statewide competition promotes tree care professionalism and safety practices. The preliminary events include competition in throwlines, open ascent, work climb and aerial rescue. The top scorers compete in the Masters Challenge and are judged on their knowledge of climbing technique, use of equipment, safety, poise, continuity and overall productivity.
Sponsorship form below.
Individual Banner, logo on top half of T-shirts, social media mentions, special recognition at Awards Ceremonies
Masters Challenge
Individual Banner, logo on T-shirts, social media mentions and special recognition at Sunday Championships
Preliminary Event Sponsor
Logo on event banner in the ring, social media mentions, logo on sponsor banner and T-shirts. Preliminary Event Sponsors will include one cash sponsor and one in-kind sponsor.
Open Ascent
Work Climb A
Work Climb B
Aerial Rescue A
Aerial Rescue B
Meals and Awards
Logo on signage at event, social media mentions, logo on sponsor banner and T-shirts.
Logo on Sponsor Banner and T-shirts
Logo on Sponsor Banner
Gear/Product Sponsor
Value of In-Kind Donation will determine sponsorship level
2025 NSTCC Sponsorship Form
Once you have decided on your sponsorship level click on the donate button at the end of the form. Payment can be made through paypal or credit card.