Certified Arborist Exam Prep & Tree Care Workshop
July 27, 2023 all-day
America/Chicago Timezone
Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave
Little Rock AR
2301 S. University Ave
Little Rock AR
The Arkansas Urban Forestry Council wants to help increase the number of ISA Certified Arborists in our area. One of the steps to becoming a Certified Arborist is to pass the ISA Certification Exam. This workshop covers some of the exam topics considered to be most difficult and will help you to prepare to take the exam. Workshop topics include Diagnosis & Plant Disorders, Tree Biology, Tree ID, Soil Science & Management, Safe Work Practices, Tree Risk Assessment, and Pruning. The exam will be given after the workshop, but registering for the exam is optional.
Registration fee for the workshop only is $45/$60. See Workshop Registration Instructions below. ISA exam registration, fee and deadline are separate from the workshop. See Exam Registration Instructions below.
Exam Registration Instructions:
1. Register for the Arborist Certification exam through the ISA website by signing in at https://wwv.isa-arbor.com/myAccount/login
2. Proceed to https://www.isa-arbor.com/…/Apply…/Apply-for-Eligibility
Registration deadline for workshop: July 21, 2023. Registration deadline for exam: July 11, 2023.
1. Register for the Arborist Certification exam through the ISA website by signing in at https://wwv.isa-arbor.com/myAccount/login
2. Proceed to https://www.isa-arbor.com/…/Apply…/Apply-for-Eligibility
Registration deadline for workshop: July 21, 2023. Registration deadline for exam: July 11, 2023.
CEUs: ISA Continuing Education credits have been applied for and will be available for the workshop. Sponsored by: Arkansas Department of Agriculture Forestry Division and Arkansas Urban Forestry Council. Partners: U of A System Division of Agriculture, Treegorilla Tree Care